The Crossborder eCommerce training and acceleration program for Professional Services and Goods was presented, promoted by the Secretariat of Foreign Trade and the Santa Fe Global Agency of the Ministry of Production, Science and Technology, in conjunction with the Federal Investment Council (CFI) and the eCommerce Institute

Governor Omar Perotti participated in the presentation of the Ecommerce Crossborder training and acceleration program for Professional Services and Goods, a training tool designed to design and implement a comprehensive plan to promote exports through cross-border electronic commerce for MSMEs and professionals in the province, through its own online stores and / or marketplaces focused on the local, Latam, regional and global markets.

The program, promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and the Santa Fe Global Agency of the Ministry of Production, Science and Technology, in conjunction with the Federal Investment Council (CFI) and the eCommerce Institute , is aimed at professionals and technicians who are interested in selling their services through digital platforms: engineers, architects, designers, lawyers, translators, developers and the like. Also, members of companies, entrepreneurs, SMEs and users in general who develop their activity in the productive sector of the province.

During the activity, Perotti highlighted that “Santa Fe is one of the main exporting provinces in the country. We export more than 20% and the world changes and its modes of trade change. The pandemic has put into force, markedly and rapidly, digital commerce, electronic commerce; and the traditional, which are the exported goods, the traditional products, the port, the container, it incorporates the possibility of exporting services and being able to use digital commerce channels ” , explained the governor of the province.

In that sense, the president acknowledged that “there the quantity is different, the type of product is another. Traditional goods will continue to be exported, but we also have the potential to export services, to export the talent of our people expressed in creativity. And it is there where knowing these tools seems essential to sustain this export capacity, that capacity of our people to know how to connect with the world and take advantage of opportunities, but fundamentally so that each one can do it from here, from their province, from each of the localities, ” added Perotti.

The governor added that “this is one of the tools that we want them to take advantage of, to be trained in this. It is a very good possibility for professionals and small companies to take this training nourishing themselves with these tools, that is where we add value. We add one more alternative to the training of our people, to value our talents and retain them in the province so that, from here, they can have their global company and can be linked to the world on a daily basis, “he remarked.


Meanwhile, the Minister of Production, Science and Technology, Daniel Costamagna highlighted that “Santa Fe has always been characterized by an export context with enormous diversification, which has to do with the extremely high competitiveness of exportable products. Know-how and knowledge are embedded in many of these products, an instance in which engineering, design, marketing and the high technological complexes that the world demands today have a lot to do with it. Therefore, the imprint of this management is related to added value, the export of knowledge and knowledge applied to products. This characteristic explains the high participation of professionals in this meeting, and we hope that this program will be very useful “said the official.

In providing details of the spirit of the training, the Secretary of Foreign Trade, Germán Bürcher, indicated that “we want all professionals to be able to learn about the tools available to offer their services abroad and to carry out a strategic plan for foreign trade. digital focused on the export of services and goods. We want professionals and service providers to be able to enter the world of cross-border, e-commerce or cross-border commerce, know the processes and the actors involved in it ”.

“In the world, ” Bürcher continued, ” these services are exported from different countries to different markets, and we look for professionals in the province to have the tools to get involved,” he added; Today it is not strange to see that a Santa Fe accounting firm provides services to a company in Brazil or the United States or that an English translator works for foreign productions. At the same time, a component is planned for SMEs that seek to internationalize tangible products ”.

The Secretary of Foreign Trade also reported that “the program has two major components: a training instance and an acceleration stage that involves coaching or mentoring the professional, service provider or SME.”

For his part, the General Secretary of the CFI, Ignacio Lamothe, stated that “when Santa Fe approached us with this idea of ​​propping up the exports of services, we saw a very interesting opportunity to do the first experience and then federalize the initiative. What is being done from the province has not yet been quantified in the country. We are anxious not to reach the end of the program, but to evaluate each stage so that, if we are obtaining good results, we can begin to think about a federal program. Electronic commerce has been growing worldwide and the pandemic has intensified it, structuring public policies on the matter is very timely ”.

Finally, the president of the eCommerce Institute, Marcos Pueyrredon, thanked the trust placed in the entity and the good articulation achieved with the parties involved. “We must ensure that professionals and SMEs meet the objectives established by the program. The pandemic context allowed digital channels to maintain business continuity and to boost economic recovery. This training seeks to explain how, in the current scenario from Santa Fe, we can take advantage of these opportunities, continue with what we are doing but with the possibility of more markets “, he stressed.


All the activities of the program will be carried out 100% virtual and SMEs and professionals received more information in the Webinar held after the opening ceremony, an instance led by Marcos Pueyrredón and the Program Director, Sebastián Herrera.

In this first meeting, an introduction to the program was provided and served to address the importance of services and data in international online marketing and global competitiveness and commercial strategy to generate sales. While the second meeting will take place on June 23.

From the Santa Fe Global Agency it was reported that in the next few days the program will be available with details about the trainings, dates and registration process.

Source: – Read the full article here

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